The Author Of This Blog
He is best reached via Carrier Pidgeon, although he prefers email. He enjoys San Pellegrino, bizarre movies, and writing about himself in the third person present active indicative. His hobbies include playing guitar, collecting records, and photography.
He is currently an undergraduate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology studying to become some kind of engineer (or so he’s been told). He hopes to prolong this process indeterminably.
Despite his brief and solipsistic existence as a human person, he has acquired a couple of useful skills, including but not limited to:
- the ability to write code
- the ability to manipulate electrons for practical purposes
- the ability to understand to varying capacities the three most common languages on Earth, as well as one language some people would even consider dead
- the ability to manufacture useful shapes out of stock materials
- and his ability to read and follow simple instructions.